Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Perfect Candidate

We can't seem to stomach an imperfect black man, or a woman who is not flawless. The first wrong step, the slightest mistake, and the trumpets sound and the herald declares: "Off with his head!"

I don't mind the media and the public trying to find the candidates' weak points. That's what we ought to do in order to make an informed decision in our vote.

But there might be a double standard: that an African American and a woman must be picture perfect or they'll be shredded to bits and discarded as completely unacceptable, while a white male candidate can have the same or similar errors - or worse? - and be given a "get out of jail free" pass on just about anything.

But why all the bellyaching. Of course, boys will be boys. They don't mean anything by it. We can trust 'em. But those Lakota women, now those are the ones you have to watch out for. They'll seem right nice, but you just turn your back for a second and... Just can't trust 'em.

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