Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hollywood Shuffle 2

To the author of another excellent review of Step Up 2:

It has been 24 years since Robert Townsend's "Hollywood Shuffle" went out and smacked America upside the head. I guess Jon Chu, and all the rest of the Disney crew, didn't see it. Either do your cultural homework or stop making films. Somebody ought to put a biohazard sticker on Hollywood and shut the place down permanently. The only people who should be making a film about street dance in Baltimore is street dancers in Baltimore, not 75-year-old European American studio executives who last danced on VJ day.

Perhaps I am too angry. Alright, I relent. Anyone can make a street dance film, whether old or young, European or African, Eastern or Western. But let's agree to keep racism out of it. I prefer no rotten eggs in my delicious hot fudge sundaes, thanks.

1 comment:

igor said...

when i was watching it, i didn't even think about the race issue that much outside of the asian character... and the fact that the pretty white boy gets the girl... but when i left the theater i started telling my friends about it, and it sort of all came together and i thought... now that might be the most unintentionally offensive movie i have ever seen.